My Dream, My Dilemma

  What is your dream vacation? Simple, right? Why then, am I stumped by such a straightforward question? I think the problem for me is that I have too many “dream vacations.” There are too many societies and cultures I wanted to learn about; landscapes I wanted to experience. How then, am I to suppose to choose just one? 

 vive tus suenos - live your dreams

Dream Vs. Fantasy

It wasn’t until after I tried to plan a three-year multi-continental vacation that I understood the difference between a dream and a fantasy. A dream is attached to time– it will happen, the only question is when. Dreams do come true, but fantasies stay in our minds. There was no use in trying to organize a trip that I would never be able to live out. It is impossible to do it all.
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao Tzo


1) Plan with some direction, but leave open ends
2)    Seek out unique experiences. Take some risks.
3)    Achieve a holistic experience

Why Barcelona?

Barcelona was the first city to pop into my head. There was something about Barcelona that appealed to me  - something more than the highly attractive football team and the film “Vicky Christina Barcelona”. To find out what, I began my research & planning:

Background Info:

 Country: Spain
Population: 1,621,3537
Language: Spanish and Catalan (everyone can speak Spanish, but Catalan is spoken more often)
Currency: Euro
      Barcelona is the 12th most visited city in the world

“Nothing happens unless first we dream” – Carl Sandburg

With whom: Ideally I would like to take the trip with my closest friends – with others who are just as enthusiastic about traveling as me.
When: After I finish my undergraduate degree. I will use this vacation as a way to reward myself for my four years of hard work in university!
How long: I will leave this one up in the air. One-way ticket.


Getting To Barcelona -
Date: May 1, 2013
Ticket: One-way

Airline: British Airways
Toronto, Canada (Pearson International Airport) 6:55pm – London, England (London International Airport) 6:55am
London, England (London International Airport) 9:20am – Barcelona (Barcelona Airport) 12:20pm
Total Duration: 11hr 25min
Total Distance: 6,872 km
Total Cost: $1,632.44

Within Barcelona -  I plan to walk whenever possible, but take the metro to far away locations


I will be staying in Barceloneta, a neighborhood of Barcelona located on the coast. It is located away from the hustle and bustle, but still has good access to the city-center. I will be staying in an apart hotel – a small apartment within a hotel (a new development in Barcelona).  It is the most cost-effective option for big groups.
Hotel Arts Barcelona 
  • 5 Star Hotel
  • 1614 Square Feet
  • Sleeps 6
  • $1,807/night

    Walk Down La Rambla

    La Rambla is one of the most famous streets in the world. The street is filled with tourists, locals, artists, dancers, musicians, fortune-tellers and human statues. It is known for its cafes, markets and flower shops. The people-watching opportunities would be incredible. 

    Concert at the Razmatazz

    The Razzmatazz is a live music venue known for it’s five distinct spaces. There is indie rock in the Razz Club, tech-house in the Loft, techno pop in Lolita, electro pop in the Pop Bar and electro rock in the Rex Room. You pay one price for admission into all five rooms. 
    tired of one – then move onto the next

    The Pink Tones are a local alternative band that I would love to see live in concert. Though I do not understand many of their lyrics, their sound really fascinates me. 

    Shop for Local Brands

    Custo Barcelona

    MTX Barcelona

    Clothes are pricey – as are most things in Barcelona. I will most likely be doing a lot more browsing than buying!


    Can watch candy being made right before your eyes. There are more than 30 different flavors for every season to choose from. Papabubble can create anything from lollipops and humbugs to novelty sculptures and personalized designs!

    Liquid Nightculb

    That’s right – a club in a pool. And I thought the clubs here in London were unique!

    Pintxo Bar

    Pintxo bars can be found all over Barcelona. You pick on pintxos (platters of bite size food served on bread) using toothpicks, and at the end of the night you are charged by the number of toothpicks that you used.

    Euskal Etxea is rated annually as the best of all the Pintxo bars in Barcelona.

    Museu Frederic Marès

    Frederic Marès was a world-renowned collector. He collected everything he laid his hands on. The museum is separated into three sections - religious carvings and tombs, items from everyday life, and personal sculptures. 

    Here is the bike Marès rode in childhood, displayed on the second floor (along with the rest of his personal items).

    Barcelona Vs. Real Madrid Match

      There is nothing I would want more than to see two of my favorite football clubs go head to head live at the Nou Camp Stadium. Though both are great teams, I would have to cheer for Real Madrid. I have been watching them play on TV with my dad and brother ever since I was a little girl. If I were to wear Real Madrid jersey to the match, there is a good chance I would receive negative feedback from the fans – but that is a risk I am willing to take!


    Goals Fulfilled!

    Goal #1 – I chose not to create a set agenda in order to leave room for spontaneous decision making. Sometimes it is these experiences that make the vacation! I outlined attractions – but did not set any dates or times.
    Goal # 2 – I looked for types of activities that differ from the Canadian norm - kinds of activities that I would not have the opportunity to experience at home. For instance, eating at a pintxo bar and watching a world-class football team play live.
    Goal #3 – I designed a vacation that would allow me to experience the different aspects of Catalan culture. For example, a stroll down La Rambla would give me a sense of the people and their customs, while by visiting Museu Frederic Marès I would get a taste of ancient art and history. Barcelona has so much to offer that it is possible for two people to have entirely different experiences. My vacation is likely very different from another’s ideal vacation – but that is the beauty of the city, it allows for 

    Things to Remember:

    Dress: People dress particularly well –  important to dress appropriately for occasions
    Eye Contact: Men like to maintain eye contact with women for long periods of time – this may seem awkward, but it is normal
    Respect for the Language: Should try to use as much Spanish as possible – even if it is weak, the locals will appreciate the efforts
    Walking: People walk slow and leisurely, often in conversation with one another - watch out for collisions

    Spanish 101

    Spanish Phrases for Basic Conversation!

    My Dream, My Barcelona

    Here I am - several posts later, and faced with the same question - why did I chose Barcelona as my dream vacation destination? I feel as though Barcelona gave me the freedom I was looking for. I am not the type of person that likes to be confounded to one type of experience. As a city, Barcelona would provide me with an assortment of meaningful experiences - from a tour of a collectors museum to a club set in a pool.
    "The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are" - Samuel Johnson

    By Anastasia Vavassis