Goals Fulfilled!

Goal #1 – I chose not to create a set agenda in order to leave room for spontaneous decision making. Sometimes it is these experiences that make the vacation! I outlined attractions – but did not set any dates or times.
Goal # 2 – I looked for types of activities that differ from the Canadian norm - kinds of activities that I would not have the opportunity to experience at home. For instance, eating at a pintxo bar and watching a world-class football team play live.
Goal #3 – I designed a vacation that would allow me to experience the different aspects of Catalan culture. For example, a stroll down La Rambla would give me a sense of the people and their customs, while by visiting Museu Frederic Marès I would get a taste of ancient art and history. Barcelona has so much to offer that it is possible for two people to have entirely different experiences. My vacation is likely very different from another’s ideal vacation – but that is the beauty of the city, it allows for 